Garment Spec Sheets Your Best Guide For Product Illustration

Garment Spec Sheets

Whether you agree or disagree, originality alone is not sufficient. The people who will put your concept into action could be next door or halfway around the world, but you must be able to convey it clearly to them. Certain paperwork and procedures need to be carried out to reduce the possibility of misunderstandings, which could result in lost time and resources.

Without garment spec sheets, a fashion product can’t be made.

What Is The Spec Sheet?

Garment Spec Sheets

In the fashion industry, the “Spec Sheet,” also known as “Specifications Sheet,”. A product spec sheet design is a technical document that goes into detail about how a product works. We see them printed on sheets or as digital files on eCommerce websites.

What Is The Point Of A Product Specification Sheet?

Product spec sheets for garments are used to check a product’s features or parts. They can also be used to give a supplier information about how to make a product or service or as a catalog of information about a service or product.

There are a lot of people who sell things and buy things in the market. If you don’t have enough information to get things done or sell them, people will probably go to another seller or manufacturer. In this case, a product spec sheet is important.

What Do You Need To Make A Spec Sheet?

A technical drawing can be made with Adobe Illustrator or with the help of a technical designer.

To write specifications, you need to know a lot about the product, the company, and the market you are trying to reach. For example, if it says that;

  • Tape all shoulder seams
  • Figure out the extra cost for the taping
  • The labor
  • The machine attachments.
  • Garment Measurement and grading specifications

Garment Spec Sheets

All need to be done by someone who knows how to make or understands pattern grading for fashion.

The tech pack should have pictures and drawings that show how things work. You can also find templates online that can help you put all the information in order.

Details about the style, such as grading, fabric specifications sheet, trims, and fit, are kept on separate worksheets in Excel. All of this should be in a single document.

There should also be tech packs for all labels or details about packaging. That can add to a separate tab in the Excel sheet.

For making a garment specification sheet, most companies use information about their;

  • Products
  • Samples of their competitors’ products
  • combined experience and knowledge of their staff

What Should A Product Spec Sheet Have?

The fashion spec sheet for products should be clear and to the point. They should tell you everything you need to know to build a product or figure out how it works. They don’t have to have only plain text.

Help them understand what to expect from the product by giving them pictures, CAD drawings, sketches, and so on. There’s no one way to write a spec sheet that works for everyone, but here are some things you can include.

garment spec sheets

  • About The Product 

What it looks like, what it does, and how it works.

  • Parts

What parts are needed to make it or are used to make it?

  • Material

What kind of material are the parts made of?

  • Dimensions 

The sizes of a part or product or quantities like weight.

  • Design

Details such as CAD drawings, sections, sketches, images, Reference models, and so on.

  • Standard Requirements 

Things like the quality of the materials, how well they are tested, and how they are used.

  • Compliance requirements

Safety standards, lab testing, requirements for documents, and restrictions on chemicals and heavy metals.

  • Color

Pantone colors are a universal language of color that helps manufacturers and distributors choose colors for production workflows. The format for a Pantone color is Pantone-digits-C or Pantone-digits-U.

  • Details About The Package

The label, the type of package, and the colors.

  • Shipping Specifications

Things like the type of container, its weight, and the information printed on it. And any humidity or temperature needs. 

What Is Garment Specification Sheet In Fashion Design Industry?

The fashion designer uses the specification sheet to explain the idea behind the design. In the sketch, the stitching class and seam type are written down. The diagram also shows how to measure different things like a t-shirt design guide using letters.

The spec sheet fashion is used to make the pattern for the garment, grade the pattern for different sizes, make a sample, and find the materials.

The first specification sheet is made so that a prototype can be made. After checking the sample fit and the way the garment specs are made. The specification sheet may be changed in the future.

During the sampling stage, the quality inspector and buyer QA follow the instructions in the specification for sample checking and sample approval.

The buyer adds comments to the specification sheet at each stage of sample approval (tech pack). All of the comments on the sample and changes to the way it was made and the materials used are taken into account when the next sample is made and when the bulk production begins.

When making a lot of clothes at once, the revised and approved garment specification sheet is used to check the quality of the clothes on the inside and to check the final shipment.

Spec Sheet Vs. Tech Pack

Garment Spec Sheets

Let’s find out what a Specification Sheet is, why it’s made, what it should include, and how it’s different from a Spec/Tech Pack.

Spec Sheet
  • It’s a document made by the product developer that gives a detailed description of a product.
  • A fashion tech pack includes more than a spec sheet.
  • It is made to give important details about the product, called specifications so that your designs can be turned into professionally finished clothes or accessories.
  • It tells a clothing maker everything they need to know about a certain style, like how to make patterns for it and how the sizes change. It also shows the size changes in detail.
Tech Pack
  • A tech pack design is a document that has all of the technical information about your actual product.
  • It’s a must-have master document for both fashion designers and production staff. When making new collections because it helps you tell your manufacturer everything about what you’re making.
  • The spec sheet is inside the tech pack.
  • The Specification Sheet is part of a Technical Specification Package, which has everything you need to make your clothes. The name for this is Spec Pack or Tech Pack.
  • This is the plan for making your garment since it has all the parts needed to make it.
  • Details about the fabric specification sheet, how to wash it and how to care for it when you do, prints, etc., aren’t on the spec sheet.